Two Bays

Friday , 15 November 2013

The day was split between finishing off the Tranmere group and some newer ones at Lindisfarne It was an ominously bad start with the first 3 as DNFs, but a rescan brought it back to 2 from 3. Eventually we pared that back 1 DNF until adding another later in the day. Quite a few foot kilometres were involved as we drove to a car park for each area and walked to the caches.

Dennis Woz Here

Walked up from having lunch at Lindisfarne village. The park was a bit on the neglected side, although fortunately the grass had been cut.

Froggy Is Not Amused

Made a search but it would have been useful to have gloves as protection from the sharp parts of the hiding place.

Streets of Lindisfarne

As we got close the likely hiding place became clear.

Foreshore Track - Bee Diamonds

Took the hard and low approach, but clearly if the tide had not been low this way would have been under water. Took the best way out that we could see, but there was a lots of long grass and sticky weed.

Foreshore Track - Orange Diamonds

It was on the ground and a little bit wet. We put the container on the pole where we thought it would have come from.

PVC 90mm

This was the first cache for the day, but we could not locate it. Past logs suggested that it should be obvious to a geocacher but not to muggles and we did have a feel for what it might look like. A second search on the return walk still did not reveal anything.

Bus Stop 31

We had a look and could not fathom where this would be, so decided to give up and have further search on the return walk. A set of steps was noticed on the approach second approach and Sue suddenly recalled reading about steps and consulted the cache description which proved to be more helpful than the hint. We found that our GPS gave the coords of the actual cache at S 42° 54.822 E 147° 24.952 Thursday, 21 November 2013 Page 1 of 2

Water Source

Peter stood near the container without seeing it while Sue searched at the spot the GPS pointed to. For a while we thought this was to be a third DNF. A second circuit of the area revealed the very groovy hide.

Hobart Panorama

Found this sitting in a branch and very easy to see, so replaced it as we imagined from the hint.

Joey Clean up

Gee what a lot of weeds in this area, especially Boneseed and we also saw a contractor tackling the vile Boxthorn weed further back along the shoreline. Bit windy out on the point and no sign of the travel bugs that were supposed to be here.


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