A search for Two Views a Multicache

We were going to the Plants of Tasmania nursery at Ridgeway and had time to search for "Two Views", a multicache. We assumed the first site where the clues for the final location were to be found would be beside the track, but not so and it was off in the bush a little way. The photo in the gallery was a help in confirming the spot. After entering the final coordinates we followed the GPS, but as it directed us downhill through the bush we started to get the feeling that we might have got things wrong and on a wild goose chase. However when the GPS pinged that we had arrived, there was the little cache close at hand. 

Interestingly some logs mentioned scrub and prickly stuff, but we walked around any of these spots and let the GPS redirect us back onto course.

We found Spot the Frog, a quaint little fellow, after looking for "Two Views", and will be moving him to a new spot soon. We walked around the area that the GPS suggested, doing a bit of poking and prodding, then Sue spotted the fellow sheltering under a bush.


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