Bagdad for Lunch

Saturday, 29 June 2013

A lunch invitation took us to Bagdad and the opportunity to do a few geocaches on the homeward journey was too good to miss.

An Old Fashioned Ford

Two walkers with a dog were exiting from the path to this cache and one was quickly recognised as Graham51, who worked out why we had pulled up. We took some time looking for the cache and Peter had just about given up thinking this was harder than a 1.5 difficulty for him. Sue made a search in the spot vacated by Peter and came up with the goods. A nifty and clever hide.

Bridge over troubled Jordan

Even with highway no longer going here, there was still ample traffic. A quick find by Sue. When hearing the name of this cache this morning Peter suggested it sounded like a Budgie title.

Downtown Bagdad

After stopping at the bottom of Winstead Rd, it was a matter of crossing the highway and nabbing the cache container. Traffic was not all that heavy so it could be replaced and the road crossed again.

To the Pontville

Pulled in just as a muggle was leaving, to record the 100th find for this cache


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