Rosny Hill

Friday, 28 June 2013

Our ambition was greater than what we could achieve on this walk. This was partly brought about by the fact that the multicache took us on a circuit of Rosny Hill that we had already just walked. Those we didn't get can wait for another day.

Fire Up Bingo!

Sue spotted a cache then found in fact there were two for the price of one. We did not have this one down searching and realised when checking the web site map that it did not show up due to it being hidden behind the "Black Beetle" mate at the same coords. With this one we signed the log and put it back in the hide

Foreshore Track - Reflections Of …

This time there were no workers about and in fact it was all fairly quiet as we walked past. Quickly grabbed the cache and walked on a little, in case vehicles came past, to sign the login before returning it.

VIEW 360

A geocache track took us down to the spot.

No More Mr. Nice Guy

We entered the Rosny Hill reserve from the western side and walked south round the hill, went to the top and then on to the start of this cache. Little did we know that it would lead us back round the circuit again. Sue worked out the puzzle details at WP2 and we took the hint help item. We thought it must be used for assisting with WP3 but of course was no help for that. Our struggling eyesight meant this one was hard going, but Sue eventually saw sufficient to allow us to progress. It was only after the final WP and the log signed that we noticed the back of the calculation sheet, supplied by the owner, had hints and that was what the cellophane was provided for. Anyway it was a good multi that kept us busy looking and trying to work each one out.

Was that you?

A bit of a search until a suspicious spot noticed

My Bike Ride

There is now a little geocacher track down to the spot, so that made it easier to get there.

Black Beetle

The GPS was telling us the wrong side of the road, but once moving over it was soon found. Black Beetle will be moved to a new spot soon. In the same spot Fire Up Bingo! was found, so two for the price of one.

DDTs Travelling Suitcache

This was in the location and covered as the hint mentioned. Quite a lot of items in the container.

Rosny Hill Trigpoint

Rosny HillCollected this whilst finding others in the area.

Salty off the rails

The GPS was telling us the wrong side of the road, but once moving over it was soon found. Salty will be moved to a new spot soon.

Turbo Coupe

A quick find and we will move this on soon.


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