A short stroll in Winifred Curtis Flora Park

Sunday , 16 February 2014

One of the main drivers for looking for caches today was to try again for the Bee cache at Rosny that had eluded us. A trip up through Winifred Curtis Flora Park rounded off the outing.

A new park

After walking down the path from the flora park it was a quick and easy. Maybe that is why Peter made the find.

Dance of the Bee.

This had been a struggle to locate and in fact had stopped for a search twice without success. After seeking a clue from OldSaint we returned and this time found the little blighter. Thanks heaps OldSaint, your help was enough to tip the balance.

Darwin's Rock It

It was a bit surprising that as soon as wee arrived at the spot several cars came in and out of the small road. Eventually things settled down and the search began, but Sue found the right spot and the type of container that she suspected it would be.


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