Taroona Again

Sunday , 15 December 2013

Since the last visit to the Taroona area there has been a few new caches put in, so we decided to go for a walk mostly using the foreshore track, but with an excursion on the roads that was needed in order to attempt one of the caches. At one stage we came to a dead end at Illawong Cres but a local said it was probably OK to walk on the land that connected to Wandella Ave. so that saved a lot of backtracking. As it was the cache up that way impossibly under the view of a horde of muggles.

Dixons Reef

We searched about until Sue spotted a potential hide and it came up trumps. As we went down the steps there were two groups of muggles but they were in the process of leaving and we had the area to ourselves for the search.

Taroona Foreshore Track - Pilop

For a one star difficulty this proved to be almost a DNF for us. We concentrated on the wrong spot for quite some time and gave up. It was only on the return walk that it was finally discovered by Sue at a close by location.


There were lots of muggles, some walking about, some swimming and others fishing. By a stroke of luck those right at the GZ decided to leave allowing for an easier search. The wrong object of two matching the hint was chosen at first. Left Geocoin "Around the World".

Turning Circle

Whilst walking up the street to GZ we could see heaps of muggles right above the spot we were aiming for. It looked like a street party was in progress with a t least 30 people there. It was just a case of keeping on walking and waiting for another day.


After arriving at the site and looking a little Peter went to the other side and was asked by a passing muggle if he had lost something. Thus a brief explanation of what a geocache was, ensued. Soon after he had departed Sue spotted the objective.


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