Near the Derwent at New Norfolk

Monday , 21 April 2014

With a fine morning predicted, followed by rain arriving in the late afternoon, it was off soon after breakfast to New Norfolk. A 12.5 k circuit walk from the town centre took us past 10 caches. Return was by Boyer Road which is marked at 80KPH all the way to Bridgewater which we kept to, but some drongo who seemed to be unable to read and had little regard for road safety passed us on double lines beside an 80 sign whilst beeping and gesticulating violently as he roared past.

The morning of caching did however turn out to be a day of caching, but we did beat the rain home; only just though.

Third Bridge

Stopped as traffic was light and the swans came to check what we were doing.

SB Multi #1

We called at WP1 on the way to New Norfolk and confirmed the suspicion about where WP2 would be. Then later as part of the walk we did the second calculation, but Peter made a mathematical error and the GPS pointed to a most unlikely spot. A recheck of calculations gave a much better looking spot but it took a couple of times around the location before Sue noticed an object similar to one she had seen before. In fact we own a cache with a container like this.

Giggle town six pack #5 St. Matthews

Spotted the object securing the cache at first then found what was on the end.

Derwent Valley Trail #13 FINAL

In getting the values from the other caches we became puzzled at two of them as the code was not numeric. Eventually Sue suddenly cottoned on to it and this was proved when the result got the tick in the code checker. This was on 29 March, but we didn't go looking for it at the time. Before going to look today, Peter was surprised about the proximity of another cache and ran another code checker only to discover it failed. A perusal of the gooseandegg log gave a clue as to the reason and the revamped puzzle was noticed. Just as well the recheck was done as we would have been searching in vain. A GZ we didn’t spot it until a second tour of the site.

Giggle town six pack #4 Willow Court

Looked under a metal lid at first then went to the other suspected site. Music was playing in the nearby building. Left papa smurfTB

Platypus Platoon

After reading old logs we did expect to be searching for a while, but Peter spotted what could well have matched the hint and soon had the container.

Giggle town six pack #6 Tynwald

The likely spot was noticed and proved to be correct.


Spent some time looking at the MAST sit trying to get one answer without success, then noticed the GoldJ log about outdated question and then found a google search gave the answer in a 2011 entry.

Cache or Fish

Two muggles walked onto the ramp as we approached but luckily left just before we arrived. Decided to use gloves to reach out of sight spots, just to be on the safe side.

Giggle town six pack #3 The Bush Inn

Managed to see an unusual object on approaching the site.

Giggle town six pack #2 Woodbridge

Well we had no idea what the hint might relate to, but Sue managed to spot the cache anyway. When back at home, while still puzzling about the hint, the only thing an internet search brought up was some bible reference, but still none the wiser even though there did seem to be a connection of sorts.

Fishermans Fire

We thought we had the container, but almost rejected it until Sue remembered what the cache name was and the penny dropped. Very inventive.

Giggle town six pack #1 The Grave of Betty King

We parked at the first gate and went looking and the combination of the accurate coords and the hint, the cache was found after peter looked a bit closer to where Sue was suggesting. We then went looking for the Betty King stone and found it plus the main path in. On looking up we spotted this bloke over the fence on the far side watching us. We gave him a wave and a hello and he responded, eventually saying he was happier to be on his side of the fence. No idea where he came from as there was no sign of anyone when we arrived.

an unnecessary piece of engineering

It is was getting a bit late to walk along the track to here, so we went down from the road. A great cache and terrifically constructed. Peter had read the logs and had due warning but still got a start on opening.

wood not expect

A very nifty cache. A muggle came into view before we could this back so had to wander along the jetty until he and his dogs had passed.

part of the tree

Spotted by Sue, who jumped a bit in surprise when Peter opened the cache. Very impressive design.


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