Kalang Finale

Friday , 22 November 2013 It was predicted to be quite raining today and were rugged up in anticipation. However it proved to be a sunny and warm day and it seemed a good time to finish off the remaining caches in the Kalang area. Peter had been there earlier in the month whilst doing some Bushcare work, but forgot to take the calculations needed to locate the caches. Kalang Kaleidoscope - Final (KK 07) Finally finished this hard to solve series. Took the Music TB The ants had taken a liking to the inside of this container cover at KK7 Not Ancient Ruins Well this was really tough to work out and Barad was pestered several times for help and still more help, which thankfully was readily given. Eventually Peter worked out to make use of the information provided and spent some time using visual basic to help get the answer. On arrival at the cache site it was apparent that nature had played a part in altering the hiding place. The container was visible and somewhat muddied by what h...