East Risdon Reserve

Thursday, 20 June 2013

After spending time listing the caches planned for this walk through the East Risdon Reserve, Peter hopped out of the car and went to grab the list only to find he had left it at home. He was quite upset with himself, because he did the same only a few weeks ago. Fortunately Peter knew where the puzzle start waypoint for one of Barad's caches, so all was not lost. The calculator on the GPS also came in handy today as we only had the tiniest bit of paper to work things out on. We included a few Old Saint caches on the day and had a devil of a job finding one of them and with the one placed by DDTs, we walked past it thinking eventually it would get closer but it didn't, and we had to settle for looking for it on the return walk.

A Bridge View

A few muggles about but we managed to spot the hide and log it without drawing too much attention. Had at use a little item to assist in the extraction.

Selfs Point

Gee this caused us a lot of angst as we could see plenty of large items as per the hint but could not see the matching items. We gave up and went on to a "A Bridge View" and had another look on return. Sue managed to spot the hide after swishing sheoak leaves aside.

Powerful Chemical Conundrum 06

IMG_8327Peter worked out the first part of the puzzle and the location was where suspected. We have walked past here several times over the years and particularly like the rare risdonii gums on the slopes. Unfortunately without the sheet of paper with details and calculations the process was a little more taxing. Keeping to a perpendicular bisector would have been tricky if the distance to walk had been longer. We spotted the tree species mentioned in the hint and gradually eliminated those falling in proximity to the calculated spot. Initially we had our eyes low suspecting a similar hiding technique used by Barad in some previous caches we had found.

IMG_8328Elaborate cubby house near cache

Zinc Walks

As our walk brought us close to this the GPS pointed out into the bush and Peter reckoned that eventually the track would head back that way as we descended to the bay below. But all that happened was we got further away. Rather than backtrack uphill, we opted to look on the return leg of the walk. Sue found it and we both reckon it would be amazing if this cache ever got muggled.


What came as a surprise was the sight of two blokes fishing near GZ; we thought that anything caught this close to the zinc works might be a bit suspect. Anyway one of them was casting his line about 20 metres from the cache, but fortunately was facing away and so busy with what he was doing that we were able to get the cache with out being seen. Sunday, 30 June 2013 Page 1 of 1


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