Down to Sorell for some berry fruits

Monday , 16 December 2013

We had planned to visit the fruit farm at Sorell to pick some berry fruits and stopped at a few sites on the way there and back to search for caches.

Old Road

We nearly didn't bother with this when it was realised that a small dead tree was blocking access and the only feasible other way was the get through the thorns. In the end peter decoded to try. The Travel Bug and Geocoin were not in the container.

Lots of Cars (2)

Spent a bit of time at two likely spots, but the long grass hindered the search.

Don't get wet!

Made an small error in the calculation and wasted time searching in the wrong spot, but even when corrected there was still no joy.

One of Ten Tribes

Did a circuit walk, once we discovered the starting point. Sue located it, but the GPS differed by several metres.

Between the Bridges (2) [not anymore]

Quick find by Sue after reading the hint.


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