Coningham Loop

Tuesday , 15 July 2014

Peter decided to spend the morning helping the Friends of Coningham with weeding out Erica in the reserve while Sue went for a walk along the beaches and cliff tops, collecting a geocache on the way. After lunch we walked up to Sheppards Hill where we noticed that a lot of Erica had been sprayed and was looking very lifeless then down the eastern end and along the coastal cliff top track to the car, getting three more caches on the way. For Sue the days walking distance was 12k.

Channel Views

Good views still, but the young trees nearby are growing taller. The log had just a touch of dampness.

Littoral 2

The tree that was down stopped Sue as she still had a caste for her broken wrist. Peter hopped over it and then hopped over a rail to make getting to the cache easier.

Sunday Drive #2 Conningham

Sue found and it was well hidden. The log was signed on the old picnic table.

The Cave

Peter had been past here several times but never gone to look at the cave from below. We took the Geocoin.


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