Cascade Return

Friday , 4 September 2015

The idea we had was to walk up the Cascade track to make a further search for the Barad Tricky tree cache and then cut over the ridge to Marlin Road and find if there was a way down to the Birthday cache near Strickland Avenue. We discovered there wasn’t and did a circuit up to the road junctions and then down Strickland to the car outside the brewery.

Tricky Tree 06

After a bit of an oblique hint from Barad and somewhat more detail from another geocacher, we had a pretty good idea what to cast our eyes upon.  It was a more elaborate construction, than expected though, that we encountered.  A favourite point deserved for this.

Birthday Cache

On entering the park and seeing the way out signs erected by council, we were confident that once over the nicely built bridge the track would continue down the rivulet and exit back onto Strickland Avenue.  But after a very short distance a fence and go no further sign brought us to halt.


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