Some Midlands Backroads

Monday , 14 March 2016

ET Phone Home
Peter put in a suggestion and Sue found it worked and went on to complete an arduous deciphering. We could not work out all of the hint though, but fortunately didn’t need to.
Richmond Gaol geocache
The hint homed us right to the spot.
The Wedding Cache
Muggles abounded so we just had to go calmly and we don’t think any really noticed as the ducks took precedence.

Coal River Gorge

Gorgeous Gorge
Parked near the last house after attempting to ask some people in the previous dwelling if it was OK to go through.  They were spotted talking and so Peter walked down towards them but suddenly they were gone and it was all silence, even a yell  of "hello are you there" did not elicit reply.
After leaving the car we went down an old vehicle track and spotted the hint, even if now fading.  Quite spectacular gorge which we had walked through part of it in mid 2005.

Coal River Gorge from cache site

You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)
After a nice flat walk it was easy to find with the hint.  Driving through Tunnack brought back memories for Sue who came here in her early teens with relatives for one of those country dances that were once so popular.
Old Road South
Quick and just as well as the wind was turning cold and drizzle was not far off.


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