
Showing posts from December, 2012

Near the Derwent

Saturday 29 December 2012 This was a day for a short walk and barbeque at New Norfolk.  The circuit walk took us through the township of New Norfolk where we stopped at The Cake Lady for a coffee and very nice cakes made on the premises. When we got back to the main picnic area it was now quite crowded and there did not seem to be a BBQ available, so we skipped up to Lachlan (in the cars) where we found the facilities not in use. A few weeks ago we had lunch here and also located the geocache at the site. On the return trip to Hobart we collected a few geocaches, with our companions for the day all helping. Scout corner This was our second attempt to locate and this time the cement brick that had a us tricked last time was not about to distract us.  Our friend Dave H quite quickly found this one; he seems to have a knack for locating them. Holey Holey Holey On the previous attempt at this cache we looked about the spots near the location quite extensively.  This vis...

Placement Troubles

Tuesday 25 December 2012 We decided to place a cache further up New Town Rivulet than the existing series owned by “Budgietas” but had a devil of a trouble finding a spot. The problem was making sure it was far enough away from existing ones, which can be complicated by mystery caches. The first attempt got was rejected but the mystery cache was one of those very hard ones, so we made some enquires before making the next effort to place only to get too close to another mystery one. After looking at the information on it Peter made an attempt to solve it. But if proved harder than he imagined. Solving it however would help establish how far our new cache had to be moved. The cache in question was “ Wellington to Lysander ”. On perusing the hint Peter remembered an earlier cache also from Barad Bunch that used the same code. With the earlier one quite a bit of help was needed from Barad and again with this one, after exhausting all the options within reason, Peter was unable to come up w...

New Town Waterfront

Tuesday 18 December 2012 A bit of a mixed day which started to get frustrating, but eventually yielded a better result than it liked like becoming. We found the first cache then couldn’t find the next two and although finding the last in a series could not get at the log. Then at a location at Cornelian Bay we think we found the spot where the multi-cache would have been, but no container.   New Town Bay #1 The spot where we opted to park was right at the site of the first in this series, and it was quick to spot, especially if standing back far enough.   New Town Bay #2 Looked around the garden bed where the GPS indicated until Peter saw a green rubbish bin with slat surrounds that reminded him of a lantern. Looking here and there failed so it was off to the next cache then on return Sue went back to the garden and soon spotted the container. We had to retrieve the log and get it back before the whistling dog walker arrived.   New Town Bay #3 This was a case of read...

The Anomaly

Tuesday 18 December 2012 We had The Anomaly this down as one to look for some time and, as we were going to a BBQ at the Waterworks, arrived early and set off for it.   The old track was easy enough to pick up but became a bit harder once the dry creek was crossed.  A log had been left to assist getting over the deeply eroded spot.  Soon after we opted to head uphill to avoid the scrub and not long after this scramble reached a rocky tor.  It was looking a bit unlikely with all the scrub surrounding it, but fortunately, and with some relief, the cache was located.    Peter suggested continuing uphill to the pipeline track as it was more open that way.  It was the soon still a bit of a climb then a contouring pad was used to reach McDermotts Saddle.  From  there it didn’t take long to get back but the excursion took about an hour for the round trip.     Here is the route we took (without the start)  

Black Glen

Sunday 16 December 2012 Although not a long distance it is still very much a bushwalk to get to the upper parts of Black Glen near Lachlan. We drove to the car park which was rough but not too difficult, even though the tow bar touched bottom at one spot. Going beyond the car park would make for a difficult turn around. The plan was to also check out Isla Brook as there are huge cliffs in the region, but a locked gate stopped that and also necessitated a 500 metre reverse back along the narrow road. The walk at Black Glen started with a slippery crossing on the Lachlan River then a short section to a partly cleared spot where the river is again crossed. There was some tape on the right side so we initially tried that way, but on realising that it was a false lead we did the crossing and located the old vehicle track. On the lower part it was somewhat overgrown, including plenty of ferns, but it became more open and quite distinct as the track climbed. At an old cleared site at the to...

A New Town Walk

Sunday 9 December 2012 Mary MacKillop - New Town Once the GPS settled down to an accurate reading we noticed the likely location for the hide and Sue soon noticed  a well covered spot. Why Bother? This bit of parkland could do with a bit of attention to make it more attractive.  Anyway Sue picked out the spot as soon as we entered the bottom of the area and it proved to be correct.  However she was averse to putting her hand near the hiding place and left that task to Peter. 

Milles Wander

Monday 3 December 2012 We decided to take a few more coord readings for Milles jewel and whilst in the area attempt Lookout Wildlife . We have been to this location on several occasions, often to enjoy the flora on the way and listen to the birds while enjoying a cup of tea.  On one visit large Tiger snake was basking just near the spot where the cache container is located.  Fortunately it wasn't there today.