Placement Troubles

Tuesday 25 December 2012

We decided to place a cache further up New Town Rivulet than the existing series owned by “Budgietas” but had a devil of a trouble finding a spot. The problem was making sure it was far enough away from existing ones, which can be complicated by mystery caches. The first attempt got was rejected but the mystery cache was one of those very hard ones, so we made some enquires before making the next effort to place only to get too close to another mystery one. After looking at the information on it Peter made an attempt to solve it. But if proved harder than he imagined. Solving it however would help establish how far our new cache had to be moved.

The cache in question was “Wellington to Lysander”. On perusing the hint Peter remembered an earlier cache also from Barad Bunch that used the same code. With the earlier one quite a bit of help was needed from Barad and again with this one, after exhausting all the options within reason, Peter was unable to come up with a solution. More help was sought from Barad and the vital clue was provided. A little searching soon revealed the hiding place.


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