The Anomaly

Tuesday 18 December 2012

We had The Anomaly this down as one to look for some time and, as we were going to a BBQ at the Waterworks, arrived early and set off for it.   The old track was easy enough to pick up but became a bit harder once the dry creek was crossed.  A log had been left to assist getting over the deeply eroded spot.  Soon after we opted to head uphill to avoid the scrub and not long after this scramble reached a rocky tor.  It was looking a bit unlikely with all the scrub surrounding it, but fortunately, and with some relief, the cache was located.    Peter suggested continuing uphill to the pipeline track as it was more open that way.  It was the soon still a bit of a climb then a contouring pad was used to reach McDermotts Saddle.  From  there it didn’t take long to get back but the excursion took about an hour for the round trip.  


Here is the route we took (without the start)  



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