Along the Pipeline

Monday 11 February 2013

On this occasion it was the Pipeline from Neika to Ferntree. Our intention was go the reverse way but, with a bushfire meeting for locals, there was no parking left. However this turned out for the best because we stopped at the Wildside Café at Fern Tree for lunch before making the return walk.


PTPT The three "P's"

This was our second attempt on this one, but this time some disturbed dirt looked suspicious, so it was quickly found on this visit.


PTPT Rocky Mountain

Looked on the wrong side at first then Peter spotted a suspicious object.


PTPT - Fern Glade

Lots and lots of muggles as we reached GZ but luckily all was quiet when the search started. After a couple of false attempts a reread of the description brought success.


Falling Silver

Well we looked and searched where we reckoned it would be, but without success. Perusal of old logs at home suggest we may have looked in the correct spot but not closely enough.


PTPT - Tree Stump

References were made in some other logs to Cheesy Pigs log and this was a great help.


PTPT -The Mothership Connection

Discovered the reason for the naming of the cache. Peter was looking on the wrong side though but Sue picked the correct spot.


PTPT Wet Wattle

Hint was good so a quick find.


Happy Valentine's Day Dash

The hint allowed a quick find. Took TB and left another TB (Little Ebb) and also took Dash which will be made into a Travel bug.

Dash taken from cache


PTPT Painted Poles

There is now a pad to the spot which drew the eye.

PTPT Tree Stump Too

Quick once the correct stump was looked at.

PTPT Heroes

We looked at the right spot but could not find the cache. On the return trip the same spot was checked and Peter realised he hadn't looked behind an object as it was a bit dark in the shade.

PTPT Rock On By

The description had us on to this one quickly.


PTPT The Rock Blob

GPS pointed elsewhere but eventually found by Sue.


PTPT You Name It

Peter spotted suspect spot


PTPT Underfoot

Sue suggested the spot to look whilst Peter was snooping at the wrong one.


PTPT Neika Post Office IMG_7941 Neika letterbox

This was quite an amazing site and sight.



Stamp from Neika Post Office


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