Devil of a Folly
Tuesday 12 February 2013
Devil of a good time!
Sue had been to Devils Gulch once before and was not at all keen on going there again, so she was happy to drop me off at The Springs. The walk was a bit more adventurous than it needed to be and at one stage I thought Barad wouldn’t be pleased with the route I chose if he had been able to come on the walk.
As I departed from The Springs two Asian girls asked if they could follow to the top of the mountain. I told them I wasn’t going the way they would need to and thought to myself they would be in for one hell of a shock at the boulders ahead if they did go my way. Anyway I took them to the start of the Pinnacle track and gave them some brief directions.
Snow gum trunk Ice House Track
With that I turned left and headed for the Ice House track. A bit over an hour later (70 minutes actually, so somewhat off Reborn’s pace) I was overlooking the cache area. It was a mere 60 metres off according to my GPS, but my plan was to drop into the gulch further southwest so went off in that direction. I had been down to it and enjoyed the nice terrace of shrubs and gums on several occasions and thought it might provide a pleasant way of going to the cache site.
When I did manage to get to the opposite face I was encouraged when spotting broken scrub, but it still took a bit of searching. To get here I had made the terrain into a 5, gone 800 additional metres and scrambled for 65 minutes. It took just 8 minutes to get back to the pad where I first looked down on the cache site. You can see the route from the attached photo.
Scree near top of Ice House Track
Rocky tops in Devils Gulch on way to cache
Leptospermum – Tea Tree
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