Circuit of Three Caches

Wednesday , 16 April 2014

It was a delightful autumn day and we decided on an afternoon walk from North Hobart to the Domain and down to the Bahai Centre and back to North Hobart, taking in three caches on the way.

Bahai Architecture

Walked here from Domain and noticed it wasn't the most pedestrian friendly way. No muggles on foot at the time of finding.

My bad Bonsai

A quarantine container was noticed and thought it might be a trick one, but of course it was the real thing. Cache eventually found in a nice hide.

The Mural Laneway

We once owned a container a bit like this, but it went missing. It was a quiet time when we looked and took the cache to a seat to write the log. Unfortunately a muggle decided to sit at the opposite bench, so replacing had to be a bit stealthy. There were a few things that were not as they seem, but it was not until we returned the cache that discovered the others.


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