Lake Dulverton Walk

Wednesday , 9 April 2014


We were off to meet some friends to walk on the track from Oatlands to Parattah. There was time for a couple of caches on the way up and then a return on Mudwalls road, via Jericho, enabled a few more. It was fine until driving up Spring Hill where drizzle was met, but by Oatlands this had stopped and the 14k return walk was at least dry although still cloudy.


This was some heck of a stretch.

Eclipse Tin Power Trail

Somewhat amusing we must say. It was actually higher than lower, but is back to lower than higher.

Not So Dull

Was going to way but the fence soon put a stop to that. A revised approach soon has us at GZ.


Had last been close to this spot a good many years ago, probably when the main road went past and it was easy to see without the exotic tree hedge now there. Had a look before going off to collect the cache.


Peter looked down and saw the mark but could not get to the cache. He ended up getting over an obstacle and coming from another angle. Even then he had trouble getting it and reckons those who followed instructions were pretty clever. Before out attempt we had to wait looking over the rail while a mother and son walked down the road.

St. James of Jerusalem

Sue had this one in hand by walking right to it.

Flour Mill Park

We really enjoyed looking at the art and working out the answers. There were lots of muggles about, even though late in the afternoon and several were campers.

Thanks to owiba for replacing the cache.


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